Everything that is happening in the world at the moment is now also having a significant impact on gas extraction. Due to the earthquakes in Groningen, the gas tap is slowly being turned off. But also due to the war between Ukraine and Russia, less gas is being supplied from Russia. These developments are causing a lot of changes in the composition of gas. Is that bad? You can read about it in this article.
The consequence of the changing composition of gas
The gas for the Netherlands used to come from the gas fields near Groningen. Due to the consequences of this gas extraction, the composition of the gas changed. There was more diversity in the supplied gas, such as North Sea gas, Norwegian gas, Russian gas, LNG, and also green gas feeders. The result of this is that all these different gases have a varying calorific value (energy content), while the current measuring systems have a fixed calorific value set. This leads to measurement deviations. If the measurements deviate, it may be that an organization pays too much or too little for its gas.
Measuring the composition of the gas
With the help of the gFLOW1500 in combination with the Mems gasQS™ sensor, the calorific value, relative density, and compressibility factor of the gas are measured every minute. With the above-mentioned measured values, the actual energy content of the supplied gas is accurately measured. The Wobbe index of the supplied gas is then calculated and displayed from the calorific value and density.
Want to use the gFlow as well?
Do you also want to measure the exact composition so that you always have the correct measurement? Feel free to contact us.